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The Court Circular is the official record of past royal engagements . Search Court Circulars detailing engagements undertaken by all members of the Royal Family going back to 1997 in this section of the Media Centre.

St. James's Palace

The Duke of Kent, Colonel, Scots Guards, today attended the Regimental Gathering at Broomhall House, Limekilns, Dunfermline.

St. James's Palace

The Duke of Edinburgh this afternoon departed from Heathrow Airport, London, for Turkey and was received upon arrival this evening at Istanbul Airport by Mr. Kenan Poleo (His Majesty's Consul-General for Istanbul).

Brigadier Alexander Potts is in attendance.

Balmoral Castle

The King was represented by Mrs. Elaine Grieve (His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Orkney) at the Funeral of Mr. George Marwick (formerly His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Orkney) which was held in St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, this morning.

The Princess Royal was represented by Mr. William Spence (formerly His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Orkney).

St. James's Palace

The Duke of Kent today visited the Japanese Garden at Cowden, Upper Hillfoot Road, Dollar, and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Clackmannanshire (Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Stewart).

His Royal Highness, Colonel, Scots Guards, this evening attended a Concert given by the Regimental Band and the Pipes and Drums of 1st Battalion at Dunfermline Abbey, St. Margaret Street, Dunfermline.

Balmoral Castle

The King and Queen, accompanied by His Majesty's Ambassador to the French Republic (Her Excellency Dame Menna Rawlings), this afternoon arrived in Bordeaux and, having been received by the Prefect of the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region (Monsieur Étienne Guyot), undertook a short walkabout at Place Pey-Berland.

Their Majesties signed the Livre d'Or at the Hôtel de Ville and were received by the Mayor of Bordeaux (Monsieur Pierre Hurmic).

The King and Queen subsequently attended a Reception on board HMS IRON DUKE and were received by the Commanding Officer (Commander James Wallington-Smith), the Naval Attaché to the French Republic (Captain Philip Wills) and the Regional South-West Commander Officer General de la Zone de Défense et de Sécurité du Sud-Ouest (Général de Corps Aerien Laurent Lherbette).

His Majesty, accompanied by Her Majesty, was received with a Royal Salute and inspected the Guard of Honour.

The King and Queen afterwards travelled by tram from Quinconces Fleuve to Place de la Bourse.

Their Majesties, having been received by the Deputy Trade Commissioner for Europe, British Embassy Paris (Ms. Jo Hawley), visited a Showcase to celebrate the Franco-British relationship at Place de la Bourse, viewing stands and meeting members of the local British and French communities.

The King later visited the Forêt Expérimentale de l'Université de Bordeaux and was received by the President of the University (Monsieur Dean Lewis), the Vice-President of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (Monsieur Jean-Francois Soussana) and the Research Director of the Experimental Forest Project (Monsieur Sylvain Delzon).

His Majesty, escorted by the President of the University, Vice-President and Research Director, met members of the 2022 Landes wildfire crisis response team and was briefed on elements of the Project including work on fire resilience strategies and community outreach.

The Queen visited Pain de l'Amitié, Rue Saint-Nicholas, Bordeaux.

The King and Queen later visited the biodynamic vineyard at Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte, Martillac, and were received by the Vineyard Owners (Madame Florence Cathiard and Monsieur Daniel Cathiard).

Their Majesties viewed the wine cellars and the cooperage, and met members of staff and winemakers from the Entre-Deux-Mers area.

The King and Queen, attended by the Rt. Hon. Sir Clive Alderton, Mr. Christopher Fitzgerald, Ms. Eva Omaghomi, Mr. Tobyn Andreae, Ms. Laura Sullivan, Dr. Douglas Glass, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Thompson and Mrs. Sophia Densham, subsequently departed from Bordeaux-Merignac Airport upon the conclusion of the State Visit to France.

St. James's Palace

The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this afternoon opened the Aberdeen South Harbour Expansion Project at the Port of Aberdeen, Aberdeen South Harbour, St. Fitticks Road, and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the City of Aberdeen (Councillor David Cameron, the Lord Provost).

St. James's Palace

The Duke of Kent, Colonel, Scots Guards this evening attended a Dinner for Serving and Former Officers at the Palace of Holyroodhouse and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the City of Edinburgh (Councillor Robert Aldridge, the Rt. Hon. the Provost).

Appendix To Court Circular

The King has been pleased to appoint the Very Reverend Dr. E. Lorna Hood and the Very Reverend Dr. Angus Morrison as Extra Chaplains to His Majesty in Scotland.

HÔtel De Charost, Rue Du Faubourg St. HonorÉ, Paris

The King this morning visited the French Senate and was received by the President of the Senate (Monsieur Gérard Larcher) and the President of the National Assembly (Madame Yaël Braun-Pivet).

His Majesty inspected the Guard of Honour before moving into the Salle des Conférences and thence to the Senate Chamber.

The President of the Senate and the President of the National Assembly addressed The King and His Majesty was graciously pleased to reply.

The Queen, accompanied by Madame Macron (wife of The President of the French Republic), this morning launched the Entente Littéraire Prize at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris.

The King and Queen afterwards visited Saint-Denis and were received by Madame Macron, the Prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis (Monsieur Jacques Witkowski) and the Mayor of Saint-Denis (Monsieur Mathieu Hanotin).

His Majesty, escorted by the Mayor, visited Rugby Installations and Her Majesty, accompanied by Madame Macron and escorted by Monsieur Shems El Khalfaoui (Deputy Mayor), viewed the table tennis area.

The King subsequently met representatives and beneficiaries of Association Objectif Emploi, before proceeding to the football pitch and meeting professional football players and representatives of football organisations.

The Queen, accompanied by Madame Macron, met representatives and beneficiaries of Maison des Femmes at Saint-Denis Town Hall, and subsequently re-joined The King to meet a group of professional footballers and young people.

Their Majesties proceeded on foot to the Basilica Cathedral of Saint-Denis and were received at the Maison d'Éducation de la Legion d'Honneur by the Head Teacher (Madame Sophie Maraux).

The King and Queen, accompanied by Madame Macron, afterwards visited le 19M and were received by the President of Chanel SAS and le 19M (Monsieur Bruno Pavlosky).

Their Majesties, escorted by the President of Chanel SAS and le 19M, Mrs. Leena Nair (Global Chief Executive Officer, Chanel) and Madame Camille Hutin (Director of la Galerie du 19M and Head of Communication, le 19M), viewed the embroidery section of Lesage and met embroiderers and students of the Chanel and The Prince's Foundation Métiers d'Art Fellowship Programme in partnership with le 19M.

The Queen viewed the Maison Lesage tweed making and weaving section.

The King subsequently visited la Galerie du 19M and met artisans from Maison Goossens.

Their Majesties later visited the Marché Aux Fleurs and, having been received by the Mayor of Paris (Madame Anne Hidalgo) and Monsieur Emmanuel Gregoire (First Deputy Mayor of Paris), proceeded on foot through the Market, meeting florists and representatives of local organisations, before signing the Town Hall Parchment.

The King and Queen subsequently proceeded on foot, via Rue de la Cité, to Notre Dame Cathedral and were received at the Cathedral by The President of the French Republic and Madame Macron, the Archbishop of Paris (the Most Reverend Laurent Ulrich) and the Special Representative overseeing the reconstruction of Notre Dame following the fire in 2019 (Monsieur Philippe Jost).

Their Majesties, accompanied by The President of the French Republic and Madame Macron, met firefighters involved in the emergency response and representatives of the Cathedral Restoration Team, and viewed the exterior construction site.

The King, accompanied by The President of the French Republic, afterwards attended a Reception for the Climate and Nature Finance Mobilisation Forum at Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle and was received by Madame Agnès Pannier-Runacher (French Minister for Energy Transition) and the Rt. Hon. Claire Coutinho MP (Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero).

His Majesty subsequently officially re-opened the renovated British Embassy, 35 rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, Paris.

The King later received Monsieur Bernard Arnault (Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, LVMH).

The King and Queen were received at the Élysée Palace this evening by The President of the French Republic and Madame Macron.

Kensington Palace

The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, this morning held an Early Years Meeting at Windsor Castle.